Mission Statement

The Association of Chemical Profession of Saskatchewan (ACPS) is the voice for Professional Chemists in the Province of Saskatchewan. Along with our sibling organizations in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia, and as a member of the Federation of Canada's Professional Chemists - Fédération des chimistes professionnels du Canada (www.cpchem.ca), the ACPS is part of a national movement to raise the profile and recognition of the Profession of Chemistry.

The ACPS is working towards legal recognition of the profession of chemistry, in line with our peers from across the country. Self-regulation of the profession will help to protect the public, provide mobility and recognition for Saskatchewan chemists, and will be an essential means for Saskatchewan industry and government to recognize qualified professional chemists.



ACPS Annual Meeting of Members - June 26 2024 7:30 PM - More Information



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