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boilerplate letter for potential members

Here is some boilerplate to make it easier to communicate with pontetial members. Please respond with edits, S.

Make sure the shortened URL still works before sending.


Dear fellow chemist,


I’m emailing to ask you to consider joining the Association of the Chemical Profession of Saskatchewan (ACPS). We are working to bring the P.Chem. designation to the province. And we need your help!


The ACPS is working to motivate provincial legislation that will recognize Professional Chemists in Saskatchewan. The ACPS is recognized by the Federation of Canada’s Professional Chemists (FCPC,, and is signatory on a national agreement for credential recognition and exchange with other Professional Chemistry associations, from coast to coast, across Canada.


The fundamental purpose for self-regulation of professions is the protection of the public. The ACPS, along with its sibling associations in other provinces, serves to protect the environment, the public, and industry, by ensuring that members meet high standards of professional competence and ethics. 


Why does the ACPS matter for Saskatchewan Chemists?


Recognition of the professional work done by chemists is long overdue. Professional certification will be required by government regulations for an expanding array of chemical work. For example, the Saskatchewan Environmental Code requires that  environmental remediation work be certified by a "qualified person” (QP). Currently, chemists with professional title from other provinces are recognized when they apply to the Saskatchewan government for QP status. A Saskatchewan P.Chem. title would automate this QP standing. Professional recognition affords members greater career mobility in industry, in parallel with the status enjoyed by members of other professions.


Provincial legislation is needed to create a self-regulating body for Saskatchewan professional chemists. Active membership in the APCS is the clearest way to demonstrate support for self-regulation of our profession.  


There are two levels of membership:

- Regular members ($25 per year) for those with the following qualifications: four year B.Sc. in Chemistry from USask/URegina or any other CIC accredited chemistry program, plus two years of work experience as chemist (includes graduate studies)

- Associate members ($10 per year) are those working towards the qualifications of regular membership.


Applications for membership can be made online as Please see our recent brochure at, or email to get on our mailing list for upcoming events.




I think it looks fine.  After tomorrow's meeting, we'll send it out.  We could do a mass email or whatever we decide.

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