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ACPS 2024 Annual General Meeting

ACPS 2023-2024 Annual General Meeting of Members

Time:                          7:30 PM June 26, 2024

Location:                   Teams

Board of Directors Nominations:

  • If you are interested in standing for election as a Member of the Board of Directors for ACPS, please contact  before June 25, 2024. Nominations can also be made at the meeting.

Proxy Information:

  • A proxy form is available on the APCS website ( under the “About Us” tab.

Proxy votes must be registered with the secretary before the start of the AGM. A scanned proxy can be emailed to the association at by the day before the meeting.

Annual Meeting of Members Agenda:

  1. Adoption of the Agenda
  2. Approval of the Minutes of the 2022-2023 ACPS Meeting of Members (Attachment 1)
  3. Report of the President (oral)
  4. Report on the Federation of Canada’s Professional Chemists (oral)
  5. Approval of Financial Statements (Attachment 2)
  6. Election of the 2024-2025 ACPS Board (Attachment 3)
  7. Adjournment
  8. Discussion of the subcommittees to build engagement with the chemistry community in Saskatchewan.

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